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mega show part 2 hongkong-42


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Time: 2024-10-27 Hits: 1

One of the key large-scale trade shows in the Asia Pacific region.

Every year in late October, buyers from all over the world gather at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center to attend the seven day, two-week Hong Kong Toys and Gifts International Exhibition "MEGA SHOW Part 1&2 Series", where they can search and purchase a variety of gifts, gifts, home items, kitchen and table supplies, taste daily necessities, toys and games, and even stationery. Today, international buyers from all over the world regard this exhibition as a must visit stop for their annual shopping tour to Asia and South China in October.

For over thirty years, the MEGA SHOW series has been the main showcase and procurement center for Asian manufactured products held every October in Hong Kong. This exhibition has a large scale, and the first part will attract thousands of exhibitors from Asia and around the world, showcasing a large number of gifts and gifts, household items, kitchens and dining, daily necessities, toys and baby products, Christmas and holiday supplies, and sports equipment. The annual large-scale procurement event has become a must visit event for buyers on their autumn procurement trip to South China, as they can find almost everything they need at this exhibition.

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